ASMPT DEK NeoHorizon platform

ASMPT DEK NeoHorizon platform

DEK NeoHorizon platform equipment gives you a completely free choice, according to your needs to accurately configure your screen printing machine. You start with an impressive set of feature criteria and then choose from a wide range of options to optimize performance and value.

Difficult to match the production capacity
DEK NeoHorizon platform equipment gives you the option of speed enhancement, yield improvement, smart board support and integrated service planning. These options enable you to accurately match your DEK NeoHorizon platform to your process requirements and budget. Then we give you more options to ensure that your investment can be upgraded in the future. Any option that you do not need for today's production can be added tomorrow to increase yield and productivity and extend the life of your Horizon iX to minimize the cost of ownership. The result is driven by the value of the technology leader. The equipment relieves the pressure of modern production - from small quantities, expert projects to high-speed, high-volume assembly - to maximize production through fast and perfect performance. DEK NeoHorizon platform Thanks to the powerful chassis technology, it features an optimized overall architecture with exceptional hardness and mechanical integrity, which is greater than 2 Cpk @ +/- 12.5um Industry Gold Standard 6 Sigma Mechanical Positioning Capability Foundation. In addition, each Horizon iX incorporates the Enable Instinctiv ™ V9 next-generation touchscreen user interface as a standard. Instinctiv provides graphical, functional phenotypic control for easy operation, and it is also the driving force behind the wide range of productivity options to increase yield and yield
Device alignment accuracy ± 12.5 μm @ 2 Cmk
Process alignment accuracy ± 20 μm @ 2 Cmk
Device basic time 8 sec.
Printable range 510 mm (X) × 508,5 mm (Y)
Voltage 100 Volts to 240 Volts ± 10%. Single phase 50/60 Hz
Weight approx. 720 kg